Cáncer of stomach-pancreas. In defense of life against the culture of competition
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Cáncer de estómago-páncreas
Cuerpo en unidad
Proceso de Construcción corporal Cancer of stomach-pancreas
body unit
body building process


The stomach and pancreas tumors have high mortality rates, are difficult to diagnose and understanding, have little chance of cure or alternative treatments. Therefore, it is necessary to approach these conditions from a perspective that allows them reading as a result of a process of construction of subjects in a specific time and geography articulated cultural, environmental, social, family and emotional processes.
The life story method had the opportunity to follow that path and thereby locate the body construction process of cancer. The results allowed the identification of common elements emerged categories: live pursued by childhood fears; a lifestyle that part of the demand in a culture of competition, exacerbating anxiety and obsessions; subjecting the body to damage it does to defend itself with answers for self-preservation when life is at risk.
The work opens the possibility of generating alternative interpretations to the hegemonic notion of cancer as a disease and at the same time, it opens up possibilities for generating proposals or preventive intervention.

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