Chilhood is Destiny
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Sexualidad infantil
Pequeños gigantes Infant sexuality
Small Giants


In this work we pretend to make a deep reflection on a series of sociocultural and psychodynamic phenomena that are related with a couple of changes in the way the kids are being affected in many different forms, especially those kids who are exposed to the influence of the media. We identify here that these kids are overexposed to a certain kind of erotization via the immersion in sociocultural products such as reality shows, in mexican television. The most interesting example in this is the program called Pequeños gigantes (Small Giants), a typical Televisa´s reality show. It is very important here to mention that in this sociocultural process, we assist a very interesting but, at the same time, worrying event: the inversion in the traditional roles of adults and infants, where adults present children´s characteristics and children present adults´ ones. Through a psychoanalytical and sociocultural interpretation of these phenomena, our goal is to unveil the extreme erotization that kids suffered in their persons, where all this is masked via the normalization of such sociocultural phenomena, due to certain cultural models that are accepted without any neither critical nor informed adult position.

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