Intercorporeal presences and absences in feminist artivism: the performance of Las Mariposas A.U.Ge.
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Artivismo; Performance; Feminismo; Las Mariposas A.U.Ge.; Corporalidad Artivism; Performance; Feminism; Las Mariposas A.U.Ge.; Corporality


The present work is framed within the interdisciplinary articulation proposed by the Equipo de Antropología del Cuerpo y la Performance, it analyzes a performance of the feminist movement in Argentina, Las Mariposas A.U.Ge. which problematizes the theme of the disappeared in democracy for sexual exploitation, based on actions carried out in public spaces. The theoretical framework is made up of the field of anthropology of the body, performance and artivism, that tackle the links between art, politics and corporality. It also dialogues with the intersectional gender perspective and with the sphere of feminist activism of which both authors are part, which allows them to address the artist-spectator relationship. Regarding the social issue highlighted, in recent decades survivors of prostitution have made visible the violence suffered, demanding reparation policies by the national State. At the same time, organizations of relatives of the disappeared converged in articulation with performative proposals towards the year 2015. The actions of visibility of the disappeared in democracy bring the problem of representation of the absent body. From the case of Las Mariposas A.U.Ge., it is worth asking what bodies are present to make visible/give place to the absent bodies of the disappeared.

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