Selecting a specialization in the language and literature course: sensitivities in language teaching and learning processes
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Ensino e aprendizagem de línguas
Formação docente Emotions
Language and literature course
Language teaching and learning
Teacher education


At the end of the first semester of the Language and Literature program at the Federal University of Viçosa/
Brazil, students must decide which specialization to pursue (Portuguese and Literatures in Portuguese,
Portuguese-English, Portuguese-French, or Portuguese-Spanish). This research aimed to identify the emotions
involved in this process and the motivations behind these choices. Participants attended a workshop on
autoethnographic writing that we conducted, after which they wrote an autoethnographic narrative about
their experiences in the first semester of the program. Following this stage, we analyzed and interpreted
the data in dialogue with the theoretical framework of Sociology of Bodies/Emotions. As a result, we
primarily identified the following emotions: doubt, insecurity, happiness, and certainty. Motivations for the
choice were observed to include feeling comfortable in the teaching and learning environment of subjects
related to the chosen specialization, the presence of positive emotions associated with the specialization,
employment prospects after graduation, and pre-existing decisions made before entering the university
based on experiences and lack of experiences with languages in Basic Education and/or adolescence. Thus,
we identified that sensitivities influence the specialization decision, as this choice impacts students’, future
professional paths, and if mismanaged, it can lead to frustration, regret, and unhappiness.

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